Great PA Cleanup Project

Dear Esteemed Members of Our Community:

 I am writing to bring to your attention two important projects that IAALV is undertaking on behalf of you.

–       PA Clean-Up Project Rescheduled.
–       IAALV Supports a Local School for National Science Olympiad.

The Team IAALV would appreciate your involvement, attention and your cooperation in disseminating and sharing this information among your inner and outer social circles.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ashim Bhowmick

IAALV – President

IAALV – Great Pennsylvania Clean Up Project

Due to lukewarm response, we had to reschedule.

New Date – Saturday, June 13 (9:00AM – 11:30AM)

(Place: Rt 33 x Wm Penn Hwy (Assemble at the Parking lot for instruction)

IAALV hopes to inspire your lukewarm response with enthusiasm this time.

– Please come forward –

Together we can make a difference and demonstrate our relevance in the Valley.

If this date for the Highway Clean up suits your schedule kindly contact Prof Balakrishna Rao (via e-mail or call 610-849-0002) IAALV Coordinator – Road Clean-up project at your earliest (preferably on or before June 11) so that he can then get materials from Penn DOT for our community volunteers.

 Note: PennDot has agreed to install a signage at the intersection of Rt 33 and William Penn Highway. The sign will that Indian-American Association of LV has adopted this section of the highway. IAALV plans to expand this to other parts of Lehigh Valley as this is where we have established our home and we would like to see this as the best home it can be.



IAALV Supports Local School for National Science Olympiad!

IAALV has been facilitating and undertaking a broad range of activities to inspire and enthuse the torch bearers of tomorrow – our next generation – our youth with the intention of educating and inspiring them to lay strong foundation for the future of the globe we live in.

Consistent with this new direction, IAALV plans to support the Springhouse Middle School’s Pennsylvania State Champion Team for National Science Olympiad as it continues to show promise. The Springhouse Team was placed 11th among the top 60 teams in the Nation at the recently held national competition in Lincoln, Nebraska – they came 17th in 2014.

To encourage their continued participation and help them grow, the Springhouse team needs funds to attend out of town competitions and to attract new talents.

While fund raising from various local corporations with employee participation are currently underway, IAALV wants to join in to help a great cause.

Please help support Springhouse Science Olympiad.



Holiday wishes from IAALV President

Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays! It’s time to celebrate the joy and warmth of the season and spread happiness among everyone you/we know.

Happy Holidays



Dear Esteemed Members of Our Community:

It is time to reflect on 2014 and provide a yearend report for your organization.

This has been a record setting year. By adopting many systemic processes; focusing on the people we serve and presenting ‘Composite India’ in our Lehigh Valley, Team IAALV created excitement among the Lehigh Valley Indian-Americans.

IAALV Team volunteers, with their ideas, attention to details, and above all their dedication to do something meaningful during every program this year, have motivated the community to be part of this important organization as participants and officers. A good sign – moving forward.

I am elated to say that Team IAALV accomplishments in2014 are too numerous to list here. These are listed in our year end newsletter which in the mail and is also available on our website –

Well-wishers contributed more than $10,000 to support IAALV in 2014. We remain indebted to them for their generosity and support.

Membership is the mainstay of any organization and IAALV is no different. IAALV paid membership is very low. With less than $1 a week you can help working for the community. Small financial support from all can produce some lasting effect on our community.

To those who are not yet involved, consider becoming a member and/or an officer in 2015, and/or financially contributing to IAALV. Your participation and contribution gives us a voice to express our relevance and importance not just within the community, but through IAALV, in the region. Alone we can achieve some things but together we are an agent of change and betterment.

We look forward to seeing you during IAALV’s activities in the near future.



Ashim Bhowmick—President

We Care For The Community, We Live In.

Together Let Us Show Lehigh Valley That We Truly Mean It.

Team IAALV 2015

Celebrating 42 years and creating a future for 5,000 plus Indian-Americans in the Lehigh Valley!

IAALV Diwali 2014 – A big thank you

Happy Veterans Day to You All!


Dear Esteemed Members of our Community:


Clearly IAALV’s Annual Diwali function was a blast and most of our guests went home upbeat! 

On Nov 8, IAALV made history with a sold out event with over 650 people in attendance. With 205 participants, it was truly spectacular with variety, and received rave reviews.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the choreographers and the participants and their families for coming forward to be a part of our year ending celebration. 

The outstanding effort of Team IAALV helped us conclude the year with such a high note. Without their dedication and attention it would not have been possible!

IAALV made history in more ways than one in 2014. Together we made it happen! We look forward to another successful year and your continued support in 2015. 

Soon we will embrace 2015 and plan on staying the course as most of you told us to. We are glad to have struck the right chord with you. 

To continue to be of service to you we need your help. 

First, we would like to see that our annual event is not one time Be-All and End-All engagement. We would like to see more of you in all of our programs. 

Second, we want you to become a paid member in 2015 by paying your dues online. This will help us undertake projects on your behalf.

Third, we want you to consider becoming a Team IAALV member to help us moving forward. We are looking to fill number of positions (secretary, asst secretary, asst treasurer, asst webmaster, (2) program managers, (6) members at-large) in 2015, so interested candidates are requested to send their nominations to

All the best!


Where Team Matters, Not The Players!